Energy of Ma’at ⟐ Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice ⟐ Divine Guidance Meditation Music
Ma’at is an ancient Egyptian (or ancient Kemetian) concept and goddess associated with truth, justice, balance, and order. The word “maat“ itself can be translated to mean “truth“ or “justice“ in English. Ma’at was considered a fundamental principle that governed the universe and human behavior.
In Egyptian cosmology, it was believed that Ma’at was present at the creation of the world and that she played a crucial role in maintaining cosmic order (known as “Maat“ as well). The concept of Maat was closely tied to the idea of balance and harmony. Pharaohs, for example, were expected to uphold Ma’at in their rule, ensuring justice, fairness, and order in society.
Ma’at is often depicted as a goddess with an ostrich feather on her head, symbolizing truth. The ancient Egyptians believed that after death, a person’s heart would be weighed against the feather of Ma’at during the judgment of the soul. If the heart was as light as the fe