6/24 | Bharat - Land of Nature Worshippers | Indian_Civilization
Bharat, India has been a land of Nature worshippers. Discover why ancient Indians, Hindus worshipped and lived in harmony with Nature.
The river valley civilization was built on the foundation of three unique gifts from Nature. Find out what was the philosophy behind nature worship of the ancient Indians.
What is the relation of Adiyogi and Kailash with the land of India.
Explore why the protagonist Shakuntala of Abhigyan Shakuntalam , India’s greatest literary gift to the world was called ’the Child of Nature.’
Watch Rajiv Malhotra’s philosophical comparison between the people living in the forest and those living in the Desert.
Did the ancient Indians enjoy tourism? What was it called?
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Episode 7 - Indus Valley Civilization, in present Indian Life
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