Creme Brulee Donuts

How to make Creme Brulee Donuts. This recipe yields 12 donuts Here’s what you’ll need: DOUGH Ingredients: 1 cup whole milk (250ml) ¼ cup sugar (50g) 1 egg 2¼ tsp instant yeast (7g) 3¼ cup all purpose flour (406g) 1 tsp salt (5g) 3 tablespoons unsalted butter (30g) softened CUSTARD CREME: 2 cups whole milk (500ml) You can use fresh or evap milk) 1/2 cup sugar (50g) 4 egg yolks 1/2 cup milk (125ml) 2 tsp vanilla 3 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons butter (20g) CARAMEL SAUCE: 1 and ½ cup sugar (300g) 1/2 cup water (125ml) *sorry for the typo in the video should be hole instead of whole :D ARABIC: كيفية جعل دونات كريم برولي إليك ما ستحتاج إليه: م
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