PrinceWhateverer - Are You There (Explicit) [REIMAGINE]
What a wild year it’s been! Here’s to an even better one! :D
Download and streaming links down here!! owo
Poor Marble :,c Been listening to FFTL’s new stuff and I tried emulating that bit with some inspiration from one of the most heartbreaking moments in MLP canon, I hope you guys like it! ;w;
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!!=== P A T R E O N & M E R C H ===!!
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Available on REIMAGINE!
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Are you there? Can you show me how
You make it look so easy lookin’ easy
Fuckin’ any second now
Are you there? Can you hear me now?
Turn the music up so loud your family
Won’t hear her leaving now
Tell me how I’m meant to be
It’s better if it’s not up to me
Show me where I’m meant to go
I think I’m better off if I don’t know
The sun will rise
through the blinds into my skeptic eyes
Through streets I’ll run
All alone but I’m not the only one
If I mean the world to you
Would you give your world to me
Saving hearts for rainy days
Tell me boy what do you mean
Where have all the bright lights gone
It’s black as far as I can see
Time won’t wait for what you want
So can you tell me-
It doesn’t have to be like this
We weren’t always this way
It took a while to fall apart
But it gets easier every day
Though times will change
All around me while I stay the same
Through streets I run
By myself but I wasn’t always the only one
You said I mean the world to you
But you took the world from me
Saving hearts for rainy days
Tell me boy what do you mean
Where have all our bright lights gone
It’s black as far as I can see
Time won’t wait for what you want
But will you tell me
Happy new year everyPONY
Yes it’s still 2012 to me.
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