Favorite VGM 18: Threads of Fate - Passing Through the Forest

It was luck that I played this game. I didn’t get to try this one out until years later after it had released. I was going through a “retro“ phase during the late PS2/Xbox/Gamecube days and was stocking up on random games. I happened to see this game at a GameStop and tried it out. It was a decent RPG that had a wonderful soundtrack. I remember this song playing for the first time and being astounded when I heard it. Something about this song gives it a very joyous sound. This is one of the few songs that I can’t pin down as to why I enjoy it so much. Keep in mind, however, this song also reminds me of a certain song that’s played on the FFX soundtrack, which Nakano was also apart of.. I plan to upload that on a later date. Playstation Threads of Fate (Dewprism 1999 JP) (2000 US) Passing Through the Forest Junya Nakano
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