HOI4 TNO Custom Super Events: Iraqi Civil War

Yes, I used colored pictures. It looks nicer that way. Timestamps: 0:00 Baathist Iraq under al-Bakr wins. It is the only fascist state supported by both Germany and US. Music: Ardulfurataini Watan - 0:23 Kurdistan under Barzani takes Iraq. Music: Ey, reqib! - 0:50 Iraqi Republic under Saddam Hussein takes the nation. At this point, probably the best option for Iraq. Music: Mawtini - 1:17 Small chunk of Italian government stuck in Baghdad under Vito Miceli holds on and retakes all of Iraq. Music: La Leggenda del Piave - and Al-Nasr al-Arabiyu 1:49 Islamic Republic under Ayatollah Muhammed al-Sadr reunifies Iraq. Music: Prayer by Imam Khomeini - and Payandeh bada Iran(I know it’s not Iraqi but Islamic songs which are also Ira
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