Mountain Unicycling in Sedona - Mitakuye Oyasin- The Possibilities of Motion

Rider: Erick Gonzalez Filming by Austin Hornbaker, Akira Hoagland, Levi Holiman, and Joanna Yates. Editing by Erick Gonzalez This is going to blow your mind. My goal is that when you finish watching this video, you will pick up the pieces of yourself that shattered to the ground, put yourself back together, and feel different. Different about your capacity to be and move in life, better aware of the possibilities of the magic that is here for us, better aware of the limitless possibilities of motion and all things, and better aware of your relationship to the earth and land you are made from. This is my offering to you. From my heart and this earthly body I am in which loves to move. I am honored And present to you, MITAKUYE OYASIN - Extreme Mountain Unicycling - The Possibilities of Motion Featuring some of the best lines in Sedona, wether on a mountain unicycle or a mountain bike
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