Falling Around You - {Harry/Book!Ginny}

The number one thing that has always frustrated me about the Harry Potter movies is the portrayal of Ginny Weasley. Movie!Ginny bears absolutely no resemblance to the character I love from the books. While I don’t want to place too much blame on Bonnie Wright (I don’t think any actress could bring the part as written to life), I can’t picture her as Ginny so I decided to replace her in this video. Young Ginny - Elle Fanning Older Ginny - Emma Stone. Harry and Ginny was my very first ship and will always hold a very special place in my heart. I have always wanted to make videos about them, yet the movies never did them justice so the inspiration just wasn’t there. Making this video has brought back my HP inspiration like crazy, so let me know if you want to see any more Harry Potter material from me. I hope you guys like this as much as I loved making it!
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