Three New Things in Public Beta

We’ve got a new public beta out on Steam and, along with the usual variety of bugfixes and minor improvements, it has three notable new things: 1) In multiplayer games, you can now move between Yellowstone maps (currently Amethyst Mountain and Slough Creek) whenever you don’t have pups, same as in single-player. Run to a section of border with the “To [Map Name]“ label and you’ll be asked if you want to move (using the procedures of either Host Decides or Majority Rules). 2) The devblog a few weeks ago talked about how, among real wolves, males are more likely to disperse to find a mate, while females are more likely to stay in their natal (family) pack. We have added this behavior to the game. So now, when looking for a mate, you’ll find more males in the dispersal groups, and more females interested in courtship in rival packs. To make it easier to find a prospective mate, we’ve also added some visual clues: a red heart icon indicates courtable wolves on the com
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