DIY Paper Christmas tree | Сhristmas crafts | ЁЛКА из бумаги своими руками | Новогодние поделки

Hey! We are starting to prepare for the New Year holidays and the first thing I want to show you how to make is a fluffy Christmas tree made of paper! It is done very simply and quickly! You will need: - 4 squares of paper 18x18 cm - 4 squares of paper 16x16 cm - 4 squares of paper 14x14 cm - 4 squares of paper 12x12 cm - 4 squares of paper 10x10 cm - 4 squares of paper 8x8 cm - 4 squares of paper 6x6 cm - a small strip for attaching a star - red cardboard star - hot melt glue - beads or other decorations Happy holidays and creative inspiration! If you like the idea, be sure to subscribe to the channel and click on the bell, there will be even more ideas! _______________________________________________________________________ Привет! Начинаем готовиться к Новогодним праздникам и первое, что я хочу показать как сделать- это пушистую ёлочку из бума
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