10/05/2023 -- Large M6.6 Earthquake in Japan -- Nepal M6.0 -- Philippines M6.4 = Seismic Unrest

Please seriously consider giving to my Dutchsinse fundraiser! or direct link here: ________ The dutchess makes a rare voice appearance towards the end of this video, unfortunately her debut on the channel is under duress and extreme circumstances which required her to speak. As for this update, the areas which were warned a few days ago (Nepal, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines) have all been struck by near M6.0 level or greater activity . Japan M6.6, Nepal M6.0 (M5.7), Taiwan M5.7, Philippines M6.4. Japan also had a minor tsunami watch issued by the Japanese Met agency which was soon canceled. This update covers activity expected on each continent except Australia and New Zealand (ran out of time and internet got cut while live!) Warnings issued in this update cover each region, several new warnings issued. Hopefully each location gets less than expected!
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