“Amongst Women“ By John McGahern

“Amongst Women“ is a novel by John McGahern that was published in 1990. The novel follows the life of an Irish republican veteran named Michael Moran, who is now a farmer living in the countryside with his wife and five daughters. The story is narrated by the youngest daughter, and the narrative spans several decades, from the 1940s to the 1980s. One of the main themes of the novel is the relationship between fathers and daughters. Michael is a strict and authoritarian figure who wields a great deal of control over his family, especially his daughters. He is deeply affected by his experiences during the Irish War of Independence and the Irish Civil War, and his views on women and their role in society are shaped by these events. His daughters, on the other hand, are torn between their love for their father and their desire to assert their independence and break free from his oppressive rule. Another important theme in the novel is the role of memory and history in shaping identity. Mic
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