Flat Earth & NASA Hoax Debunk SLAMDUNK
Download and play with a flat earth simulator to judge the model yourself-
All flat earth maps appear grossly distorted because thats what occurs when you flatten a sphere-
How perspective actually works- Sun and Moon remain the same angular size-
Flat earth cannot logically explain the south celestial pole, or equatorial constellations that change seasonally, while circumpolar constellations remain the same-
Everyone in the southern hemisphere sees the same south celestial pole rotating clockwise around Octans, even when facing opposite directions-
The flat earth model cannot predict eclipses, nor explain why only one side of the Moon is ever seen from Earth-
Flight durations are impossible on a flat world- Even a former flat Earth advocate admits this, and commendably deleted all his flat Earth vids -
Definitive coriolis demonstration- Those pools, hurricanes, stars, Focault pendulums, and equatorial sun dials all rotate in opposite directions in each polar hemisphere.
Distant cities definitely appear to sink below the horizon due to curvature- And this is why they dont appear to tilt- Notice how a close ship appears lower than horizon, as it recedes it rises UP to the peak of the horizon, then it lowers below horizon as it moves over Earth’s *curve*-
Where is the Skydome?
Why the ’8 inches per mile squared’ equation is irrelevant-
Space Denial-
’Edge of the world’ debunked by five high altitude balloons near the south ’rim.’
Rising/setting stars unaffected by “perspective“
Yes, the horizon drops below eye level from a plane-
24 hours of sunlight in Antarctica- and
How to bend water-
Water sticks to a sphere- Earth only rotates .0007 rpm (once in 24 hours), so no, water should not fly off.
30 flat earth disproofs illustrated- of Flat Earth?sort=6&page=1
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