Dog attacks a badger and regrets straight after!!!

Dog attacks badger - Badger attacks dog #dogvswolf #kangal #kangaldog In our video of the day, dog attacks a badger and regrets straight after. Badgers are considered tough primarily due to their physical characteristics, behaviour, and evolutionary adaptations. Badgers have compact, muscular bodies with powerful limbs. This gives them the strength to dig through tough soils and confront predators. They possess long, sturdy claws that are adapted for digging. These claws also serve as formidable weapons for self-defence. Badgers are known for their aggressive nature when confronted. They are not easily intimidated, which can make them appear tough and unyielding. Not all dogs can handle a badger specially the African honey badger that has a reputation of fending off big cats too. However, some breeds that were bred for hunting purposes, particularly for pursuing quarry like foxes, raccoons, and other small game have the ability to take down smaller badgers like stink
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