Crochet the Tricky Treat Fingerless Gloves // SS#168. #crochetfingerlessgloves #crochet

Hi Crochet Friends! Happy Haunting! We are days away from Halloween and I know many of you will be going out with little ones. The weather has definitely changed and our evenings are cool and crisp, so I think the Tricky Treats Fingerless gloves will make for a great accessory for you OR as part of a costume for any trick-or-treater venturing out in the cool night air. We are using post stitches again to create this great texture by revisiting the ALPINE STITCH. You might remember this from our ALPINE PURSE tutorial. This looks very advanced but it’s actually quite easy to do as long as you remember your Single Crochet and Double Crochet Stitches. Check out some of the reference videos below: ALPINE PURSE - BLACK CAT SQUARE - IDENTIFYING PARTS OF YOUR STITCH - CALL ME CABLED HAT - Have fun, happy Halloween and remember to stop in and say hello!
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