Mokum - Fucking Hardcore 6

Tracklist : 1 –Chosen Few Fucking Hardcore #6 2 –Tellurian The Sound Of The Underground 3 –Outside Agency* Hardcore Headz 4 –Fear Factory T-1000 (Dano Mix) 5 –Demolition Team Thermal Fuse 6 –DJ Dano & ZE’V* Big Time Nose 7 –PainKiller Stormfront 8 –Walter One Live In Hell 9 –Chosen Few Zlam (Here It Comez) 10 –Ceasefire (2) Who’s Afraid Of Noise 11 –Chosen Few Name Of The DJ (X-Factor Mix) 12 –Tellurian I Wont Stop Rocking 13 –Elvis Jackson NarcoTerror 14 –Search & Destroy A Trip To Pussyland 15 –Outside Agency* Touch The Darkness 16 –Walter One Speedjack 17 –Aggroman Starcore
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