Was This Really a 1 in 700,000,000,000 Year Event?! - Antarctic sea ice melting fast

For decades, Antarctic sea ice trends seemed to defy climate change, until…they didn’t. In just two years, Antarctica lost as much sea ice as the Arctic lost in three decades. Statistics say that the record low sea ice in 2023 was a 1 in 700 BILLION year event, suggesting that the models in this case may be broken, or that this anomaly was caused by climate change. And a new study asked the question: does this represent a STATE CHANGE? And what would that mean for one of our most iconic species, the emperor penguin? And what does reduced sea ice mean for Thwaites, the Doomsday Glacier? With su...mmer sea ice hitting the third-lowest extent in recorded history, it’s time to check-in. Watch this episode to find out. Check out the latest episode of Fascinating Fails: Weathered is a show hosted by weather expert Maiya May and produced by Balance Media that helps explain the most common natural disasters, what causes them, how they’re changing, and what we can do to prepare. ***** PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: ***** Subscribe to PBS Terra so you never miss an episode! And keep up with Weathered and PBS Terra on: Facebook: / pbsdigitalstudios Twitter: / pbsds Instagram: / pbsterra
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