[Live] WhiteCat | Nashimoto Ui - AaAaAaAAaAaAAa [aAaAaaAaAaaA] 1st +HDDT FC % {#1 888pp} - osu!

👇 Open the description for more information 👇 WhiteCat’s Profile: WhiteCat’s Skin: |------Score info------| | Map: | PP map stats: | Combo: 624/624x | AR: 10.6 | CS: | OD: 10.8 | HP: | SR: ⭐ | BPM: 288 | Mods: HDDT |------Player info-----| | Rank: #2 (#1) | PP: 16624pp | Playcount: 1131 | Total played: 12 h. 18 min. 57 sec. | Join: 2014-06-09 17:35:32 |----------------------| |---- WhiteCat Social links | - Discord server: | - Youtube: | - Twitch: | - Twitter: |--------------------------------------- 🔗 Useful links 📝 More skins at: 🔔 Vk Score notificator: ✒
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