Russia accuses Ukraine of intentionally involving NATO with missile strike in Poland | FULL

Speaking at a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Wednesday regarding Ukraine, Russian representative Vasily Nebenzya accused Ukraine of attempting to involve NATO directly into conflict with Russia through missiles in Poland. Ukrainian representative Sergiy Kyslytsya responded by saying that Ukraine supported a “full and transparent” investigation into the incident, and that they were ready to co-operate with Poland to contribute to the investigation. Kyslytsya also identified the Russian war of aggression as the “only root cause of violence and human suffering in Ukraine and beyond.” Polish representative Krzysztof Szczerski said that they immediately launched an investigation into the incident, with evidence supporting that this was not a deliberate attack, but that final conclusion can only be made after the investigation ends. Szczerski also added that Russia was to blame and characterized Russia’s attacks as “barbaric.” The previously-scheduled UNSC meeting came afte
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