PERIODS SUCK SHIRT: DOWNLOAD THE MP3: Smosh and I Set My Friends on Fire combine forces to teach you the real truth about the birds and bees in this hardcore music video. Your no-no place will never be the same. Trust us. LYRICS: There comes a time in every man’s life When he grows hair where it used to be bare I know you’re feeling weird, but you should be happy You don’t have a vagina, that would be crappy Because periods suck and commas rule! This is Sex Education, not grammar, fool! When she gives you affection, you better wear protection That skank might have an infection, are you paying close attention? In Sex Ed (in Sex Ed), remember what you read (remember what you read) Just forget what the others have said Get it through your head, use your brain before you go to bed And it takes only one sperm cell to make a baby, And if you think
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