Огромные дождевики)) Calvatia gigantea.

DO NOT MISTAKE! Small golovacha can be easily confused with pseudo-raincoats (Scleraderma aurantium), which belong not to agaric, but to porcini mushrooms - a completely different systematic group. These double mushrooms are also found in forests and have a rounded fruit body. Despite the fact that these mushrooms are not poisonous, you should not eat them: the taste and smell of false raincoats are quite unpleasant. You can distinguish false raincoats from giant golovachy by the color of the pulp: it is not white, but dark purple, and the outer shell covering the fruit body is not thin, but dense and leathery in the false raincoats. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF Kingdom: mushrooms. Department: basidiomycetes. Class: agaricomycetes. Family: champignon. Genus: golovach. View: giant golovach. Latin name: Calvatia gigantea. Size: diameter up to 50 cm. НЕ ПЕРЕПУТАЙТЕ! Небольшие головачи можно легко перепутать с ложно-дождевиками (Scleraderma aurantium), отн
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