So, I’ve got cancer

You can sign up for the newsletter here: If you are a friend of mine and you’re like “Why am I hearing about this in a YouTube video“ I’m sorry about that. I spread the news a bit, but I figured I’d let this do some of the heavy lifting for me. Also, when I recorded this email, I didn’t have my full schedule, but now I do. My first treatment please, literally as this video goes live. So, there’s a very good chance that I’m reading the comments right now while getting my first round of chemotherapy. I’ve also gotten my. PET/CT which showed that the cancer has not spread anywhere from its original location in my left armpit/chest area, which is very good news. This sucks so bad, but I’m already learning so about myself. ---- Subscribe to our newsletter! And join the community at Help transcribe videos - Learn more about our project to help Partners in Health radically reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone: If you’re able to donate $2,000 or more to this effort, please join our matching fund: If you’re in Canada, you can donate here: John’s twitter - Hank’s twitter - Hank’s tumblr -
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