When She Cried, Her Eyes Got Hurt, But She Couldn’t Stop Sobbing When Knowing That She’s Safe...
When She Cried, Her Eyes Got Hurt, But She Couldn’t Stop Sobbing When Knowing That She’s Safe...
Vena was found cowering in a sewer on 17 Nov 2022. We are not sure how she got there, just heard her voice. It’s dark inside and took a while for us to locate her. My heart was broken when we got her out. Covered by dirty, shivering hardly with a rotted front leg. Luckily, even weak, Vena still able to eat on her own. Maybe her first meal for a long time...
Credit To: PAIS - Protetores dos Animais
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
🌍 Campo Mourão - PR 🇧🇷
🐕🐈 Adoção de animais: @adote_paiscm
💰 Colabore 👇🏻
▪️ Chave PIX: (44) 99937-7075
▪️ PicPay: @pais_cm
#HowlOfPet, #RescueBlindPuppy, #DogInSewer
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