Hot Boy Turk Responds To Rick Ross, Says Master P Stole His Idea, Reveals Why He Left Cash Money

Hot Boy Turk “Off The Porch“ Interview Hot Boy Turk returns to the porch for our 4th interview with the Southern rap legend! During our conversation he discussed his recent viral interview on Drink Champs, being overwhelmed by the feedback from the interview, blames the weed smoke for getting him wasted during the interview, being honest about telling the truth, not being afraid to speak on the negatives in his story, always being spiritual, being hungover the following day after the interview, his reaction to Rick Ross’ response, being married for 10 years, shows off his new HC piece, feeling like having jewelry makes you a target, explains why he doesn’t like the term “stay dangerous”, being provided with security during the peak of the Hot Boys, tells a story of Crips following their tour buys when in LA, wearing fake watches before the deal with Universal, not realizing how big their fame was until he went to prison, explains what the studio sessions were like recording the Hot Boys a
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