🇿🇦 Beaches closed in South Africa’s Durban city after heavy rains

🇿🇦 Beaches closed in South Africa’s Durban city after heavy rains All beaches have been closed in the South African port city of Durban following heavy rains that affected the sea water near the coast. The two-day rains washed logs and other debris into the sea, while shark nets at most beaches were damaged, making beaches unsafe for public use, authorities said. Residents have, however, been allowed to enjoy other activities along the beach that do not require them to come into contact with sea water. KwaZulu-Natal province’s disaster management teams said they evacuated several people whose homes were damaged by the rain. Efforts are under way to fix the nets and infrastructure that were damaged by the torrential downpours in parts of the province. #SouthAfrica🇨🇳 PR CHINA Geopolitics - China plans to limit graphite exports - media. China is the largest producer of graphite in the world. As such, graphite is used in a wide variety of industries: Iron and steel, solar cells, radars, advanced chip manufacturing plants. This step of the People’s Republic of China is obviously a new response to the American sanctions war. After restrictions on exports of gallium and germanium, the US economy faces a ban on graphite Источник: Lord Of War
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