Don’t sculpt everything in Blender - model instead!

In this short video, DJ shares a small but powerful tip for sculpting in Blender that he used while working on ‘The Bagman’ project - a parody project of The Batman character. Sometimes you might get stuck in the sculpt mode trying to do everything with Blender’s sculpting tools. That is not always the best and fastest way of getting the job done. You can use other techniques such as modeling with curves (or any other modeling technique) for some parts (like the leather straps for example) to get them done quicker and more precisely. You can later join the modeled mesh (for curves you have to convert to mesh first) to the rest of the sculpture using a boolean modifier and perhaps remesh to make the mesh watertight and its topology consistent. To add smaller details use the multires modifier and alpha brushes (the ones used by DJ were from the Blenderkit library) Subscribe to our channel for more sculpting tips and tricks in Blender (as well as other Blender tutorials)! You can see a full scu
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