F-22 Raptor multi-purpose fighter of the fifth generation F-22猛禽战斗机多种目的的战斗的第五代

F-22 “Raptor“ ( Raptor — a bird of prey) — multi-role fighter of the fifth generation, was developed by Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics to replace the F-15 Eagle. The F-22 is the first standing armed fighter of the fifth generation. And also it is the most expensive fighter in the world. F-22的“猛禽“(猛禽—一只鸟的猎物)多作用战斗的第五代的,是由洛克希德-马丁和波音的总的动态,以取代的F-15鹰。 F-22是第一存在的武装战斗的第五代了 同时,它还是最昂贵的战斗机在这个世界。
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