[MAX SHOW] JUST B teaches you how to enjoy KCON to the fullest! 😎| JUST B’s daily KCONer experience

JUST B, who finished their KCON JAPAN 2023 special stage perfectly, has gathered once again at the site of the KCON convention! Why have the members of JUST B gathered at the site of the KCON convention?! 🤔 From JM’s transformation into a reporter, members’ experience in a variety of interactive booths to a precious meeting with ONLY B! 💖 Check it out in MAX SHOW ✨ KCON JAPAN 2023 스페셜 스테이지를 완벽하게 마무리한 JUST B가 다시 한 번 KCON 컨벤션 현장에 모였습니다! JUST B 멤버들이 KCON 컨벤션 현장에 모인 이유는 무엇일까요?! 🤔 리포터로 변신한 JM과 멤버들의 다양한 부스 체험부터 ONLY B와의 소중한 만남까지! 💖 지금 바로 MAX SHOW를 확인하세요 ✨
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