• Yennefer | Different kind of Danger [For Mariya]
Please watch in HD ❤️
Finally after weeks!!! So so sorry for this Easter is so long ago I know :( Personal sings go so much wrong and my mental health wath not that right.... So I must say so so so Sorry to Mariya !! I see Yennefer on your list and i want make a video about her for so long so here it is. I start first a video about Gilbert & Anne but i truly failed it and lost inspiration :( Sorry for that. I found this song and i think yes it fit. Not 100 % but i liked it even if i see you love the band :) In the end overlays and text killed me !! Also i think in the end there is so much of it :D So i hope you liked this late gift :) Even if we don´t know us i wish you alle the best in these times ❤️
This video is for:
Please go and sub her !! ❤️
Secret Easter 🐣 -
So finally i´m back :) I hope you all are fine !! My Pc broke so much and often with sony that i hate vidding because i must wait so long with mak
4 months ago 00:02:36 1
CD PROJEKT RED GEAR | Triss the Kannagi Statue Unboxing