Alex Rudinger - “Let Me Down“ (Oliver Tree)

I’d imagine that I’ll get some haters for this video - primarily from people that follow my work that only seem to like the metal stuff that I do (Lol). But FRET NOT my metal friends - I’ve got PLENTY in the works that fits the ’metal criteria’. This vid is for the Lulz (& also ’cuz I quite enjoy Oliver Tree). Similar to the Mario Kart 11/8 Jam that I did awhile back, I started hearing a more exaggerated / elaborated version of the song’s original hi-hat parts (in my head) whenever I’d listen to it. So I expanded on those ideas, broke them up between two sets of Hi-Hats (right & left), & this is the result!  I don’t know why, but I really like writing these lil’ compositions that consist of semi-unusual Hi-Hat parts that’re broken up between multiple sets of Hi-Hats. LOL. & I threw on my SHADEZ as a nod to Oliver Tree’s very silly, sarcastic, & generally unusual vibe.  Mix was done by GOOD BUDDY Anup Sastry. I had him crank up the Hi-Hats quite a bit - just ’cuz they’re kinda the focal point of the drum co
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