Meet One Of The Pioneers Of Street Skateboarding Mike Vallely | SKATE TALES S2

In truth, we probably haven’t got enough bandwidth to do the twists and turns of Mike Vallely’s skateboarding life story justice- so let us perhaps instead consider some of the many roles he has played in order to provide some context as to what makes him such an enduring enigma. There are worse places to start charting his cultural ascent within skateboarding than his breakout section from Powell Peralta’s game-changing 1988 video release Public Domain. Skateboarding was changing daily at that point with the genesis of street skating and Mike V’s East Coast aesthetic and floppy- wristed silhouette caught the attention of an entire skateboarding world that had realised that there was more to this culture than hero-worshipping the MTV- generation of sleeveless T-shirted Californian vert professionals who were appearing more dated and anachronistic by the day. His double-kick Barnyard board for World Industries effectively signalled a new era in skateboarding trick development which Salman Agah wo
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