Stirling On Top (1960)

Goodwood SV. Stirling Moss passing by camera and standing by his Ferrari at start of the RAC Tourist Trophy race at Goodwood. GV. The Goodwood course at the starting grid. GV. The drivers lined up on one side of the course ready to race across the course to their cars for a production race start. The flag drops and the drivers race across the course. Moss is nearest to camera. He climbs into his Ferrari, No 7, and moves away from the grid ahead of the other cars. GV. Cars going away from camera, around bend. GV. Cars coming through the Chicane at Paddock bend. GV. Pan, Stirling Moss in the lead. GV. Pan, Moss coming towards and past camera. SCU. Photographer. GV. Cars coming round bend. Moss in the lead. BV. Cars go around a bend, pan to show Moss followed by Roy Salvadori in Aston Martin as they race up the straight. GV. Pan, Stirling Moss. GV. Crowd. GV. Moss coming through the Chicane. GV. Innes Ireland in Aston Martin, No 10, coming through the Chicane followed by J. Schlesser in Ferrari No 5. W. E. J.
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