Embedded With Special Forces in Afghanistan | Part 2

Coffee or Die’s Marty Skovlund Jr. was given exclusive access to embed with a Special Forces team in the mountains of Afghanistan, and accompany them on a combat mission into ISIS-held territory. These Green Beret’s fit the common tropes associated with Special Forces: beards, long-ish hair, and relaxed attitudes along with a few sleeve tattoos sprinkled in for good measure. Although they sport ball caps and Glocks in lieu of cowboy hats and six-shooters, they are frontiersman all the same — charged with taming the Mohmand Valley. The team operates out of COP Blackfish, an isolated outpost in the Mohmand Valley and only a short walk from where the controversial “MOAB” was dropped last year. READ THE FULL STORY: Want to keep up with all the latest stories on Coffee or Die? Go to . Make sure to Coffee or Die on social media: Facebook: Instagram: @coffeeordiemag Twitter:
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