Katherine Pierce | BOYSHIT

#fanvidfeed «I don’t speak boyshit». This kinda came out of nowhere, I listened to this song and got in the mood to edit it and this happened. I loved the lyrics video so I tried to replicate the text and the vhs style for it and I had a lot of fun doing a more ’’effects’’ video after so long even tho I didn’t even had to open AE for that and I call that a WIN. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it! Footage: The Vampire Diaries Song: /watch?v=_c4xbYB7QCw Coloring: LaurenMichelle Programs: Sony Vegas Pro 13 TWITTER: @alvxprodz SKYPE: Alvaro7SQ DISCORD: alvxprodz# 0387 KO-FI SHOP:
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