How to play with Electroacoustic Stomp box foot percussion with tambourine and shaker by Noisy Wood

Almost every musician, while playing an instrument, be it a guitar, a ukulele or a banjo, beats the rhythm with his foot across the floor. Why do it at idle? You can become a human orchestra with an interesting and simple percussion for the feet from Workshop Noisy Wood, which is called the foot stomp box. Also known as mississippi drum machine. You can buy via the link Semi-acoustic instrument: a piezo pickup is installed inside, which allows you to connect the instrument to the amplifier and adjust the sound as you like. The output is a standard guitar jack and volume control on the side of the instrument. A special lever-pedal is mounted on the box for attaching a shaker or tambourine. Beat the rhythm, sing and acomponge at the same time! The price includes the whole set! Stomp boxi shaker tambourine! So you get three tools at once! Noisy Wood workshop of musical instruments handmade! Noisy Wood is a workshop of
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