Vegetable Soup Recipe Carrot Eggplant Zucchini And Onion

detailed recipe how to make vegetable soup with eggplant zucchini onions and carrots If you want to make a delicious vegetable soup with white sauce, first peel the carrots and add them to the mixer. prepare the carrots in the mixer like this cut off the edges of the black pumpkins Cut the core of the black zucchini with a knife, use only the edges Prepare the black zucchini in the mixer peel the eggplant completely add 1 onion prepare the eggplant and onion in the mixer only 4 vegetables will be used, carrots, zucchini, eggplant and onions add a large pot to the stove add sunflower oil add vegetables and mix a little more sunflower oil Roast the vegetables for about 10 minutes Adding 2.5 cups of wheat flour If you are going to make it at home in smaller sizes, add 1 spoonful of flour for 1 bowl of soup and 1 bowl of water. add flour and mix for 2 minutes add dried mint a little bit of black pepper mix thoroughly add boiling water add the boil
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