Weaponized immigration, orchestrated by a rogue government bent on sedition and treason, represents a deeply insidious strategy

Weaponized immigration, orchestrated by a rogue government bent on sedition and treason, represents a deeply insidious strategy where the movement of people is manipulated to destabilize and undermine target nations. This tactic, steeped in deceit and betrayal, exploits the desperation and vulnerability of displaced individuals, turning them into unwitting instruments of a grander, malicious scheme. The rogue government’s actions constitute a betrayal of both its own people and the international community. By engaging in such treasonous behavior, it undermines global stability and trust. Its sedition aims to fracture alliances, weaken democratic institutions, and erode the rule of law, fostering a climate of fear and uncertainty UN Open Migration Agenda Source: RealCanadianPatriots
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