Final Public Day Sunday 2023 Australian International Airshow - YouTube

With today wrapping up the 2023 Australian International Airshow with crowd numbers at a record high, a last blast of summer, blue sky’s, and an action packed flying display, means only one thing after a long four year ! The team at Aviation Spotters Online that had the privilege of being afforded the right to cover the airshow is very grateful to all that have helped and facilitated all requests to bring you, the public, all the imagery and video over the past twelve days. Here’s a snapshot of Sunday’s flying display,with weather extremes included. Keep an eye out for our full length coverage in the coming weeks. We thank you all for your support. Royal Australian Air Force The Republic of Korea Air Force Aerobatic Team, Black Eagles 블랙이글스 United States Air Force Air Force Roulettes Please keep an eye out for future post’s
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