AMD Monet - Zen 3 on 12nm?! - AMD & Intel’s NEXT GEN CPU Strategy | AM5 Core Counts & Intel’s Plan

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code REDGAMINGTECH Is Ryzen UNDEFEATABLE? AMD & Intel’s NEXT GEN CPU Strategy | AM5 Core Counts & Intel’s Tech Focus As both AMD and Intel prepare for the launch of their next generation processors (Alder Lake from Intel, and AMD’s Ryzen V Cache), it’s pretty obvious that both companies have a rather different strategy going forward in how they’re trying to outplay one another. I am told by several individuals that Intel’s strategy is to try and push their technology mastery, wishing to highlight their platform with cutting edge technology such as Hybrid Core technology (), PCIE 5 and of course DDR5 memory. Meanwhile, AMD is playing it more cautious, concerned with the costs and challenges of PCIE 5 impllementation on AM5, and generally wishing to launch later, partly because they know of the challenges of DDR5 and other things in the ecosystem. To this end, AMD’s Zen 4 isn’t designed t
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