Reagan Joke -- Soviet Union and Getting A New Automobile

Reagan Joke - Getting a car in the Soviet Union I’ve been collecting stories that are told in the Soviet Union by their people among themselves, which reveal they’ve got a great sense of humor, but they’ve also got a pretty cynical attitude toward their system. And I told this when... (well, Bill, you’ll have to hear this again), I told this in the car. I didn’t tell this one to Gorbachev. [laughter] You know, there’s a ten-year delay in the Soviet Union of delivery of an automobile, and only one out of seven families in the Soviet Union own automobiles. There’s a ten-year wait, and you go through quite a process when you are ready to buy, and then you put up the money in advance. And this happened to a fella. And this is their story that they tell, their joke... that this man, he laid down his money. And then the fella who was in charge tells him, “Okay, come back in ten years and get your car.“ And he said, “Morning or afternoon?“ And ... and the fella behind the cars said, “Well, ten years from now what difference does it make?“ And he said, “Well, the plumber is coming in the morning.“ Edit Note: I’m sure there will a similar joke about obamacare in a few years....
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