Baking Layers in PSD-LAYERS .... FREE Blender Addon.
We all know the power of shading nodes in Blender, but sometimes artists just want to concentrate on painting, our main goal is to create a robust tool for hand painting textures in blender that will take care of node connections for you, and will give you more control over your painting “like layers, blending modes , opacity ... etc“.
Free for ever:
PSD-Layers is Free and will always be , hope we could deliver a great addon for this great community , so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any issues or ideas ... remember this is just the beginning , PSD-Layers will get more updates.
Current features:
Paint your textures in layers like photoshop , krita ... etc.
Have control over blending modes , opacity , visibility and more.
PSD-Layers is light and fast since it only uses standard blender shader nodes.
No need to create and edit complicated shader nodes .. PSD-Layers creates them for you.
Each layer have Pack icon which turns into red color when the image needs to be saved “so you don’t forget“ ... save it by clicking the same icon.
Palettes section has “ Paste Values“ icon .. which paste any hex colors palette from any website in any form “ xaml , text , css ... etc “ with just one click !
You can easily switch the shader between emissive and principled BSDF .. and choose whether to make it transparent or not with one click.
Next update:
As you guessed it from the name , PSD-Layers soon will be able to export and import psd files .. including layers , blending modes , opacity and visibility, so you can edit your textures in photoshop , krita or gimp.
With PSD-Layers, you can unleash your creativity and make stunning hand painted textures for your 3D projects, whether you are a beginner or a professional, PSD-Layers will make your workflow easier and faster.
Everything about PSD-Layers is available on : the addon itself , video tutorials , versions and updates ... etc .
Thank you all.
#b3d #3dblender #blenderart #blendercommunity #blenderanimation #blendercentral #cgi #blender3d #blend3d #addon #addons
1 view
2 months ago 00:08:58 1
Как же это Вкусно Отрывной Пирог 2 яйца кефир 3 ст. муки Рецепт Бомба Тесто для новичков Замес 3 мин
2 months ago 00:09:33 1
Шикарный торт “ИЗУМРУДНЫЙ ВЕЧЕР“! Для ценителей изысканной, необычной выпечки!В восторге будут все!
2 months ago 00:13:22 1
Боже! Как же это Вкусно Рецепт Бомба Я хочу делать это Тающий во рту Пирог Вишня и Творожная Начинка
2 months ago 00:08:03 1
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2 months ago 00:12:21 1
Боже До чего же это Вкусно Рецепт Бомба Я хочу делать это каждый день с разными начинкам Тает во рту
2 months ago 00:10:52 1
Боже До чего же это Вкусно! 2 яйца немного молока и 3 стакана муки! Такой Пирог в магазине не купить