Churchill visits British cities during WWII (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Crowds cheer in the streets as prime minister Sir Winston Churchill tours British towns and cities during World War II Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Mr. Churchill Reassured and Refreshed ENGLAND: Unknown: EXT BIRKENHEAD Mr. Churchill signs Visitor’s raid damage. W. Mrs. CHURCHILL WINSTON. Tours damage in Birkenhead Visitor’s Churchill. Mr. Forrestall and Harriman of U.S. FORRESTAL, MR. (James) W. Churchill & Mrs. of U.S. tours damage at Lancashire HARRIMAN, Mrs (U.S. Minister to Norway) & tours damage in Lancashire MANCHESTER Mr. & Mrs. Churchill visit damage at Lancashire. SHIP BUILDING Workmen cheer Churchill at Camell Lairds home front, civilians, ci
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