Meet RUSSIAN COSMONAUT @OlegMKS 🚀 Space, Training, & Russia-U.S. Relations

I met Russian cosmonaut @OlegMKS🧑🏼‍🚀 who answered all my questions about space! 🌌 How can one become a cosmonaut? What is the difference between a cosmonaut and astronaut? How are Russian-American relations in space? Do aliens exist? 👽 What is space food like?… Oleg Artemyev is an accomplished cosmonaut who has been to space already four times! He took me on a tour of the Yuri Gagarin Space Training Center where I got to see the Soyuz module and the Russian segment of the International Space Training Center. 🛰️ It was interesting to hear about how these men and women are brave enough to shoot for the stars 🌎💫 Oleg even debunked some space myths and talked about why cosmonauts can’t have tattoos! If you want to join me on my space mission, don’t forget to watch, like, comment, & subscribe 🪐🔔 If you’d like to support me ❤️
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