Still Alive (Portal) - Eurobeat Remix

Slowly trying to combine all my musical interests with this one: eurobeat, beatboxing, re-harmonization. A majority of the drum sounds you hear in this song are beatboxing samples from yours truly, most notably the kick is an inward liproll/kick with like 0 effects on it. Also re: the “Still Alive“ part like 2:30 in.... “NOOOO YOU CAN’T JUST REHARMONIZE THE SONG AND USE A GMINOR 6 CHORD UNDER AN F# IN THE MELODY, IT DOESN’T MATCH THE CHORD!!!!“ me: J A Z Z harmony go brrrr I also cut a huge chunk of mid range out of this song to make it feel fluffy/light but I got feedback that it sounds empty, but I like it so whatever.
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