Pronunciation and Intonation Activity A2/B1 #3

Pronunciation and Intonation Activity 🕴🎼 Working on pronunciation and intonation is an essential part of learning any language And, I have to say, Tom is really creative when it comes to writing new tongue twisters or short poems for students 👩🏻‍🎓🧑‍🎓👨🏽‍🎓 Take a look at this one Fun and challenging at the same time 🤓😎 This is our Pronunciation Activity N*3 for A2/B1 students on our website for teachers The first exercise focuses on very specific sounds with two short tongue twisters “Did you know I knew you knew?” “I didn’t know you knew I knew, but now I know you knew I knew!” The second exercise is a short poem designed to practice rhythm and some specific sounds “Fairy Fighting” 🧚 “Fanny fairly fought a fairy, But she didn’t win.” “She wasn’t watching when the fairy Hit her on the chin.” “Fairies always fight unfairly. As I’ve always said,” “Fight a fairy fairly and You’re sure to lose your head!” Practice these with your students, then add an intonation component w
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