1 hour of mysterious sci-fi ambient music | ARTEFACTS | for sleeping, relaxing, meditation, gaming

On this channel I bring together my old and my new passion. My old passion is electronic music, I have been doing this for many decades now. My new passion is creating futuristic environments with the help of AI. I like ambient music and I like futuristic cities, spaceships, alien landscapes and all that stuff. So why not combine the two? If you like what you see and hear, it would be great, if you subscribe to the channel, give me a like and write a little comment to make me feel good. 😊 #ambient music #sleep music #meditation music #space music Background story for this track: Sometimes it’s easier to get involved with the music if you’re given a little background story. This story is based on the images that can be seen in the video. A probe with collected material from a comet has crashed on Earth. The extraterrestrial material was released. Hidden in this material were spores that were dispersed in all directions by the winds. Years later, mysterious new lif
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