ICELAND: World War II: US Troops arrive / hot-springs laundry and agriculture (1941)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit US Troops arrive in Iceland during World War 2 campaign/ general views of thermal springs laundry and greenhouse food production - including tomatoes and grapes Full Description: ICELAND: Reykjavik: EXT General view of Reykjavik skyline, harbour in background. Various of US troops disembarking from ship in harbour/ American soldiers into military trucks/ US military convoy along mountain roads/ Bren gun carrier pulled back onto mountain road from ditch/ more of US miolitary convoy along mountain roads, including field ambulance and tanks General view of Reykjavik/ housing estate/ various of local women washing clothes in hot springs laundry Industrial scale greenhouses ( hothouses) on hillside/ various of fruit and vegetables being gron in greenhouses including flowers (antirrhinums), tomato plants, bananas, g
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