Key Insights after Marking Over 10,000 Essays

Drawing from a wealth of experience marking over 10,000 essays, I distil key insights to help you grasp the fundamentals of successful IELTS writing. We’ll begin by analyzing a Band 6 essay, identifying its strengths and weaknesses across essential evaluation criteria: Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. This exercise will provide a clear view of many IELTS candidates’ common hurdles. Then, we’ll step up the game, transforming the Band 6 essay into a Band 8. Through this transformation, we’ll delve into refining coherence, improving vocabulary usage, and polishing grammar. This practical demonstration will provide a vivid understanding of the differences between a Band 6 and a Band 8 essay. By the end of this video, you’ll be equipped with practical strategies and insights to upgrade your IELTS writing skills. This content is tailored for anyone aiming to improve their IELTS writing, regardless of their current l
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