10 Amazing Beetles Looking Like Jewelry

10 of the most beautiful beetles / bugs / insects that look like pieces of jewelry. For copyright matters, contact us directly at: officialzonea@ Subscribe ► When insects come to mind, we most often picture the grotesque and nasty little invaders that break into our homes or torment us when we want a little peace. But when it comes to beetles specifically, we start to picture cute little guys with beautiful coloration and patterns. In general, these colors and patterns help them fool predators or blend in with their surroundings, but some species have it at another level that might fool us humans as well, making it hard for us to believe they are actually living creatures. From the ones that look like metals from outer space to the ones that look like gold droplets, stay with us, as we are looking at 10 beetles that look like jewelry. These beautiful / amazing / colorful beetles are including imperial tortoise beetle, golden jewel scarab, go
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