DCS free month is here! This is a great time to try out the amazing graphics and simulation of DCS World! (If you are from the future, this guide still works for you!) Getting started can be quite complicated as this is a quite a complex simulator, this beginners guide has been created as to point you in the right direction! Show you how to succeed in DCS! You will still have to work your way to the top. Go from zero to hero! This is will not be easy. But it will be extremely rewarding! Hope you enjoy this how to DCS, and hope this tutorial for the basics helps. TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. WHAT IS DCS 00:00 II. DCS FREE MONTH 01:01 III. DCS REQUIREMENTS 02:29 IV. HOTAS 04:01 V. HEAD TRACKING 05:33 A. INFRARED 06:36 B. VIRTUAL REALITY 08:45 C. VR MOTION SICKNESS 12:19 VI. CHOOSING A AIRCRAFT 14:20 A. 1ST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT 15:20 B. 2ND SCHOOL OF THOUGHT 16:11 C. 3RD SCHOOL OF THOUGHT 18:01 D. 1ST AIRCRAFT RECOMMENDATION: F-16C Viper 18:34 E.
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